I have mentioned several times that I love the stock market.
I also mentioned that I enjoy the bear market.

That's because:

1. It's more dynamic.
2. More clear level for the bounce or dip
3. More buying power.
4. It's like Holiday Discount

The system is like an A.I. Surfing board.
I am on it.
When there's no wind so no wave....
The surfing board stand still on the surface of the water....peacefully.
But in reality, there's storm....Market's disaster...blood every where.
Back on the surfing board...calm....

There's big wave coming...
The surfing board prepares for the ride....
Having a Fantastic Surfing on the big wave....
Go to the beach side bar, have a cocktail after the surfing....
Relax the rest of the day....

The system has been calm for last couple days...
It could last a week, if there's no wind, no wave.....
Make sure to get on the next wave by staying on the board.
You are on the AI Board...
It knows....what's ahead of you and what's coming...😍😍😍