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Request the symbol you are interested in.
I will take up to 3 requests.

MSFT: B2 Flag

100 Day bottom: 132.17
600 Day bottom: 123.37

If you are holding MSFT,
Stop at 132 then buy back over 133.
If it dips to 123.37, wait until recover back up to 125 before buy.
Buy and hold from that level for the Long Term then accumulate further dip.

AAPL: B2 Flag

For the current holder.
Stop at 199.9

Fundamentally not a good idea to enter now.
Wait until US-China trade war end.


It could be 3 or 4.
3 - 9.4
4 - 15.3

Huge swing...either way.
It's your call.
Personally I would avoid this kind of investment though.

At the moment, I like MSFT among these 3: Hands down.

System Wave Chart is Upside Down Chart so it's opposite!
My opinion above is solely based on the system chart.

System Main Chart: 1-5 days
System Wave Chart: 2 - 4 weeks.