This is actual example from last year.

The SVM system indicated 20 day top on 11/30/18 and the Dow topped very next day.
Dow had been dropped 16% from 25826 to 21792 in 2 weeks since.

Starting from 12/19/18, the System indicated 600 day bottom but it broke down further for another 3 days and finally hit the bottom on 12/24/18 and closed at 21792.

So what this tells you?
The system always indicates and sends a signal before the actual event occurs.
That is how I could always prepare in advance rather than clean up after the mess.

I look at 2 things.
The market and the individual stock.
When I see the market's getting closer to the bottom, I increase my cash level and be conservative.
I then raise my buying power for the right timing(True Bottom).

Once the Fund and Cash ratio are determined, I use the fund for the individual stocks.

The Result: I gained 49% in December.