Once you are familiar with the system, you will notice the change in your investment many different but good ways.

Here are a few examples:

  • You no longer chase the market: 
    • Yesterday's good example....the market was good. I wonder if you noticed from "My Trades" post. I increased the CASH holdings and reduced the equity.
    • There are certain signs that you'll see the broader market is now topped, upward, downward or bottomed out on the Main Chart.

  • You learn to see a Big Picture rather than a small picture:
    • My system is day to day system but it shows you what is the true outcome at the end. Daily activity = Small Stone ---->>> Lead to the Pyramid. Do you get it? It's not like you only see the small stone but also you see how these small stones are used to build a Pyramid.

  • Risk vs. Reward:
    • Most people is looking for a better return but they often forgot to consider the risk attach to the return projected. SVM System is built from the algorithm which calculates the least Risk and recommends the best return among those.

  • FOMO? No! MOMO!
    • MOMO: It's not momentum....haha. It's Missing Out? Move On!
    • No fear as you will be used to have a Preparation on any circumstance.
You have a Fear because you have no idea what's coming.
You are anxious and stressful because you are greedy.
You are losing money because you are emotional.

Don't fear because you are now following the system.
Don't get stressed out because you are now following the system.
You are winning because you now following the system.

Let's Have FUN!